lies vs truth

big lies or small lies
lies are still lies

it is so easy to tell a lie
its like
yea i am fine
no i am ugly
thanks i am full
you are so pretty
i am so sorry
i do not like him
i am home

see, it is just so simple

truth hurts
isn't it ?

there is always a choice 
whether to speak truth and get scolded or tells lies and walk away
hell yea
i always chose to speak to truth
when yong jie ask me
Sarawak happy mou
sometimes i lies
it was long time ago
my father ask me
are you full
yea baba i am so full
you finish the rest please

yea you know
i used to be very poor in many years back

it was a night
middle of night
my sister dressed up when i was sleeping
where are you going
then we fight

another night
it was also a middle of night
where are u going

i'd rather knows the truth than knows nothing
yea i do not encourage that
i do appreciated that
at least i know what is going on in her life

i know
it is just so damn easy to lies
but she chose to tell me the truth

1 comment:

  1. Same here, i hate those who are tell lies to me.
    Although sometimes i tell lies, but i am the person who prefer to know the truth.

    Add Oil! =)
